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Heart broken, I travel to heal it. Instead of healing it, I caught the travel bug. Join me on rediscovering myself again.


I am 90's kids who grow up watching Doraemon, Ultraman and Dragon Ball. These mangas and anime is what sow the seed of interest in this Malaysian kid about the Country of Rising Sun. Hence, once I manage to earn my own living, I visited Japan whenever I can and each visit still give me surprises even until now.


What make Japan so unique is that while it is powerhouse in technologies, it manage to blend it's modern cities with soft charm of thousand years traditional cultures. Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. Japan is more than these three cities. It have more to offers.  As a traveller, I always seek to travel to less known cities or town for my little exploration. Because for me, these less known cities and towns are the best places to be truly immerse in local culture. TO TRAVEL IS TO BE TRULY IMMERSE WITH THE LOCALS. And you can only found it on path less travelled by mass tourism.

Japan is my of my favourite country and I had been there for 4 times. 

I hope the sharing of my little guide book here will be able to help fellow traveller to maximise their experience in Japan.

​こんにちは from Japan

Image by Jonny McKenna


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